Sustainability Policy

The Brave Lab Sustainability Policy 

Updated October 2021

Our purpose at The Brave Lab is to realise a world where people and planet can thrive. We recognise that this is aspirational and that there are many things about how we do business, learn and develop that prevent us from being thriving people on a thriving planet. Therefore we have developed this sustainability policy for our organisation to be explicit about what we will do to help change things . Our approach aims to: 


  1.  play a facilitative role by advancing understanding and application of sustainability practices and inclusive innovation,
  2. implementing best practice to reduce the impact of our operations on the environment and people,
  3. be provocative, use our business and our brand to ask difficult questions and reflect the business world back to itself through our lens of thriving people and thriving planet.

Sustainable Development Goals

We have looked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to inform our policy and see both the work we do and how we do it aligning with eight of the seventeen SDGs;

  • SDG 4 Quality Education
  • SDF 8  Decent work & economic growth
  • SDG9 Industry Innovation
  • SDG10 Reduced Inequalities
  • SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production 
  • SDG 13 Climate Action
  • SDG 17 Partnership for the goals
Inclusive Innovation

We practice inclusive innovation; that means we examine issues from the perspectives of all stakeholders impacted by change and innovation, paying particular attention to stakeholders who do not have the same access to power as others. We believe that by practicing innovation inclusively, we can create more sustainable change that will be better for everyone. The climate crisis is a phenomenon that will impact us all eventually, but will severely impact those with less access to power more quickly and in a more extreme way.


This means we have certain goals for how we will run our business:



  1. We will provide access to best in class education in innovation to all by offering our services to projects and people at discounted or pro bono rates when they are working on projects that advance climate action and inclusive innovation.
  2. Continually adopt modes of operating that reduce our carbon emissions (i)We favour land travel over flying, (ii)We use reusable facilitation materials, (iii)Refurbished technology and hardware over new, (iv)We promote active travel over motorised for business purposes, (v)We invest our pension funds ethically, (vi)We do not accept funding or payment from entities which generate profit from the extraction of fossil fuels, (vii) We do not accept funding or payment from entities that do not ensure minimum standards of terms and conditions for their employees.
  3. We share our sustainability policy with our clients and collaborators and seek theirs in return.  Where there are none in place we will look for a commitment to develop policy and adopt similar practices.
  4. We will actively seek out and create opportunities for people with identities and voices that add to the richness and diversity of our team.
  5. We will work in partnership with organisations to achieve larger goals on the themes of climate action and inclusive innovation that we could not achieve by ourselves.
  6. We will use the privilege we have of working with powerful people in powerful organisations to encourage inclusive innovation and climate action


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